Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012
This article is about a highschool cross country

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

       The differences bewteen googles new and polocies are drastic there changing 60 of the 70 polocies they had and one of them is that they will be able to monitor everything you do on google services.Another things is they can watch and read your emails on gmail. Also, it will track the people you interact with.
        According to the week they say that the new google goes against there motto dont be evil and will watch your every step on google.
        My opion on this new policy is that if someone can not read someones mail or take it why can google read our email and pretty much stalk us. Yes, the internet can follow us by why give google more ways to follow us and evade our privacy in more ways then one. I beleive google should not be able to do this and i am not the only one for sure who feels this way.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

In 2009 a Copyright Lawsuit was ended on a certain bear named Pooh against Disney and A.A Milne's ( Poohs Artist and creatre)and the Slesinger family.
The Slesinger's wanted two billion in damages and fines but Disney thought they had the right to Pooh and all of the animals in the hundred acre woods. The Lawsuit was over artistic work and ideas. The result of the case was that disney was left the rights and did not have to pay anything at all.

Link to Website:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Internet Saftey

I believe interent saftey is the many processes to keep you safe and secure on the interent. The three most important things about being safe online is never giving your personal information to strangers, never trust anyone on the interent you do not know,and and use common sense when your using the internet. I learned people have different ways of breaking you down so you finally give them a chance to meet you or track you down with the information you have given them, even if it's just a few bits of info. To improve my online saftey experiance is to change my passwords more often and not download as many things.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

After using the two different feed readers Google Reader,and Feed Demon I prefer one over another.Between the two I personaly prefer Google Reader more then Feed Demon. Google Reader was more user friendly and easier to use. Feed Reader you had to download and at first it is really confusing and there are not a lot of sites to subscribe to. In Google Reader there is no downloading and almost every site you can think of is avaiable to subscribe to. With Feed Demon you could look up the site right from Feed Demon but would have to boxs one for share and one for subscribe and more then often you could only share on that website and that really doesn't let you keep up with the website.